
Forum for Home Health Nurses

I know from experience that there are a lot of home health nurses out there who need a place to share information and to vent. It’s hard to get a forum up and running and keep it active. The ones with the largest numbers of members and active participants have gotten greedy and gone way too commercial for my blood.

If you’re looking for a new place to visit and share some of your experiences and ask questions of your peers you might want to check out the Home Health Forum

6/11 UPDATE: This forum site no longer exists. So I have some alternatives for you:
         I have a new FACEBOOK page for Home Health. 
You can also visit my home health websites: 


Well I’m off to finish some last minute holiday shopping. UGH I don’t look forward to trying to find a parking space! How about you? Are you all done, wrapped and ready for the holidays? The last time I was done early I fell and spent 6 weeks on crutches… sooooo call me superstitious, but I don’t get it all done early anymore!

Take time for you today!!!! Remember you can’t give to others if you are drained yourself. Replenish often! Even if it’s just five minutes of day dreaming about your favorite vacation spot.

UPDATE: Join us on FACEBOOK. Feel free to start a related discussion.

And you might be interested in my book Exploring the Home Health Care Experience; A Guide to Transitioning Your Career Path. It’s available from Amazon.comIf you’d like an autographed copy order from KathyQuan.com.

I have also recently launched my course on Documentation Basics for Skilled Home Health Care at  Teachable.com