• Honors for The Nursing Site

    I would like to thank Berxi Insurance once again for bestowing honors for The Nursing Site as one of the Best Nursing Bloggers Around . We are always honored and humbled to be in such distinguished company. Berxi is one of the leading malpractice insurance companies servicing nurses. Please check out their website and the other bloggers, blogs and vlogs they have honored for 2023. The fantastic list of 30 sites includes six different topic and audience categories for nursing students, new nurses and seasoned nurses. Congratulations to all of the other sites honored.

  • The Nursing Site Honors

    TheNursingSite.com is a Top Nursing Blog 2022! I was very happy to receive an email yesterday listing TheNursingSite.com as one of 27 Best Nursing Blogs for 2022. To find our listing, scroll to the 9 Best Nurse Bloggers Around. I am thrilled and humbled to be among such great company in this category. The honor comes from Berxi Insurance who handles professional and small business insurance.Thank you to all involved in this honor. (Full disclosure, I have No relationship with Berxi Insurance.) Berxi Insurance handles medical and dental malpractice insurance as well as liability insurance for other professionals such as real estate brokers and technology professionals. They publish some great…

  • Honors for TheNursingSite.com

    I am always honored and humbled to be honored for the contribution TheNursingSite.com makes to the nursing community. A big Thank You to IntelyCare.com for their honor. They are taking the salute to the blogs a step further and offering some nice prizes. I would be very honored if you would all kindly click on this link and go to VOTE for TheNursingSite.com. There are several ways to vote and so many other nursing blogs to explore and honor as well. I have voted for my favorites, cast yours for your favorites too. THANK YOU!!

  • One of the 9 best nurse bloggers around for 2020

    I am humbled and honored to be informed that I was selected as one of the 9 best nurse bloggers around by Berxi a division of Bershire Hataway Specialty Insurance. They chose 27 nursing related blogs in multiple categories to honor in 2020. There are so many wonderful nursing blogs to chose from and it’s always exciting and humbling to be selected. Please read the article and check out the other blogs mentioned. As the post mentions, “Nursing blogs are becoming an incredibly popular way for nurses to help, connect with, and inspire their peers. If you’re looking for study guides to get you through nursing school, there’s a blog…

  • Top 100 Nursing Blogs

    I am honored and humbled to be listed with so many fabulous nursing blogs as one of the Top 100 Nursing Blogs of 2020 That Matter from Nursebuff.com. Please be sure to check out this list and share on your social media. And please subscribe to their newsletter. Thank you Nursebuff.com!