• Save Money. Live Better? 10 Effects of Wal-Mart Clinics on Healthcare

    A Guest Post from Heather Johnson, freelance writer Now Wal-Mart is truly the place where you can find anything under the sun. The mega shopping center now offers healthcare at its walk-in clinics. The reduction in prices that Wal-Mart offers extends to its clinics, but does it mean a reduction in care? 1. Easier Immunization Distribution: As Wal-Mart makes immunizations readily available, people will no longer have to waste time with trips to their primary caregivers.2. Reduced Fees: “Get Well” visits at Wal-Marts typically cost $45 compared to rising insurance costs and co-pays that are expected in regular healthcare systems. 3. No insurance, no problem: Insurance isn’t required at Wal-Mart’s…

  • About Autographed Copies of My Books

    I have recently received several requests for autographed copies of The Everything New Nurse Book. If you are interested in an autographed copy, they are available directly from me for $14.95 USD (face value). This includes shipping within the U.S. International shipping will be determined on an individual basis (if available). Email me and I will invoice you. I also have a limited number of The Everything Guide to Health Care Careers available for $14.95 USD as well.

  • Students Learn About Political Activism First Hand

    Student nurses at Mt. Wachusett Community College recently took the issue of a National Nurse to the Massachusetts state legislature. They contacted their state representative, Christine Caravan, BSN to assist in this matter. Rep. Caravan took the matter to the MA state legislature and on March 27, unanimously both the House and Senate branches passed a resolution encouraging the U.S. Congress to enact legislation to create an Office of the National Nurse. The students were acting on their belief that elevating the current Chief Nurse Officer position in the USPHS will help to make nurses more visible and prominent in producing a cultural shift to prevention in health care. At…

  • Hands Only CPR

    The American Heart Association made some changes this week to introduce Hands-Only CPR for adults suffering cardiac arrest outside of a hospital setting. Guidelines, a video and more information are available from the AHA Web site. Read more…. It’s not for children, and not recommended for anyone suffering an obvious breathing issue such as drowning or carbon monoxide poisoning. But the AHA says anything is better than nothing. So hopefully more lives will be saved!!! photo:Microsoft.com

  • Still Time to Contact Senators

    The deadline for the “Dear Colleagues” letter in the U.S. Senate has been extended until tomorrow April 3. Go to the NLN site and you can send an email directly from there. One is already written that you can use, or compose your own. All you have to do is complete your demographic information and it will be sent to your Senators. Please take a couple of minutes today to help ensure funding for nurses. The Title VIII Nursing Workforce Development funds directly affect us all. Among other things this funding helps nurses become nurse educators. The shortage of nurses will never be solved until we do something to help…