• Links to Nursing Theories

    It must be term paper time because I keep getting inquiries about nursing theories and where to find resources. In addition to what I have posted on The Nursing Site, here’s a great site with links to the most common nursing theories. I’ll add it to my list on the site ASAP. If you have found a site to add to this list, please post a comment, or email me. Thanks!!! Good luck on your papers!!!

  • Ahora Hablo Author Offers 2 for 1 Deal on Ebook

    Awhile back I wrote a review about a terrific medical Spanish book, Ahora Hablo, written by a high school Spanish teacher. Now on her website, Meg Graham is offering a 2 for 1 deal (during April and May only) on an E-book download of this terrific book. You buy one and then email her for the code to open a second copy. So 2 nurses can get this fabulous book for about $5 each! That’s a great bargain and the book is a wonderful resource for anyone who works with Spanish speaking patients. She also has a great book for the traveler and it’s on this same 2 for 1…

  • Playing Catch Up After a LONG Week

    Sorry it’s been a long week and I have neglected this blog.I did post something at Ultimate Nurse: Nurses Have a Voice and Should Not Go Silent! Now is NOT the time for nurses to be bullied into thinking they will lose their jobs. It’s time to stand strong and hold on to the little ground we have gained in improving working conditions. Nurses Week is rapidly approaching and yes, I do have a new design for the Print Your Own Kits this year, but have not gotten it posted. The theme is: At the end of the day, I can truly say I made a difference in someone’s life…

  • You are Much More Than “Just a Nurse”

    Suzanne Gordon, author, lecturer, and patient advocate has a wonderful poster for sale on her website, entitled “just a Nurse.” This is something that should hang in every nurse’s station and workplace around the world. (And no, I don’t have any financial investment in this.) Read more about the Things Nurses Really Do at TheNursingSite.com…. You are not “just a nurse;” you ARE a nurse. Nurses save lives; nurses educate patients, family and caregivers; nurses help to control symptoms such as pain and provide comfort; nurses educate other nurses; nurses assess patients and demand appropriate care; nurses prevent errors and complications; nurses make a difference in someone’s life everyday! Nursing…

  • From the NLN a Call to Your Representatives RE: Title VIII Funding

    I’m forwarding along an email I received from the National League for Nursing. This is a very important issue to all nurses as educating new nurses is vital to reducing the shortage of nurses…. “Dear Colleague” Letter on Title VIII Funding Circulating in House — Signatures Needed by Tuesday, March 31, 2009 TO: ALL NURSES Representatives Lois Capps (D-CA) and Frank LoBiondo (R-NJ) are circulating a “Dear Colleague” letter seeking support of their fellow Representatives to fund Title VIII – Nursing Workforce Development Programs at the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) at a level of $215 million for FY 2010. They need to get as many of their House…