
IMHO Nurse Jackie Fails Big Time

Nurse Jackie premiered on SHOWTIME last night. Did you see it? What was your opinion? Personally i thought it was WAY off the mark! There was a lot of potential for some really good story lines and some talented performers such as Edie Falco, but once again Hollywood chooses to trash the nursing profession!

SHOWTIME calls it a dark comedy and it’s supposedly from the journals of a real ER nurse with a bad back and drug problem.

But hey…where can you find a hospital like that one to work for? Nurses get to go to lunch at a real restaurant, and take a long break in the chapel to contemplate the events of the day with a co-worker no less??!!! When was the last time you got to do that on the job????!!!

If you didn’t see it, NurseTogether.com has a link on their site. In my humble opinion, it’s not worth subscribing to SHOWTIME to watch, but you can catch the pilot episode over there. And they have a section of the Forum dedicated to discussion. I was asked to write a review for them and it should appear sometime this week.

(UPDATE: June 12: here’s my review. )

So what’s your opinion?


  • Lisa.....

    I was very disappointed that in an interview Falco said she would want to be taken care of a nurse like her character. And I was disapointed in the show. A nurse with a drug problem is not how I want profession to be portrayed.

  • DeeAnna

    I have another perspective… I am a Respiratory Therapist and I saw a promo still with Nurse Jackie performing bag-mask ventilation and someone about to hand her the ET Tube…in the ER's I've worked in we (RT's) manage airway so RN's can manage med's etc… just my opinion. Now I am in the NICU and the RN's don't think of picking up a laryngoscope or starting a PAL, RT's in turn don't want to start a PICC line

  • laura.d.

    To be fair, who wants to sit down in front of their tv and watch nurses perform actual nursing duties? It's not reality tv, it's supposed to be entertaining, not realistic. I liked it.

  • LivingDeadNurse

    i had saw the previews and wasn't impressed. I didn't even give it a chance. Sorry not a big fan of a druggy nurse considering one almost cost me my job.

  • KLS

    I for one, was so excited about a new nursing show, and then I saw the previews. Now I don't even know if I'll watch last night's episode, waiting patiently thanks to DVR.