
It’s Graduation Season

Welcome new nurses! May and June are traditionally graduation season although most nursing programs admit and graduate nurses year round, May and June are traditionally when graduation ceremonies are held.

Take a deep breath and pat yourself on the back for a job well done! Next comes the NCLEX and you’ll need to do some prep work for that. Many schools give routine tests to prepare nurse grads for this, but even so, you will need to do some review work. Get together with some of your fellow grads and form a study group.

Then as you take your place as a new nurse in the ranks, remember these thoughts:

1) You didn’t learn everything you’ll ever need to know in school. This is a lifelong learning adventure. Don’t try to bluff your way through something new. Ask for advice and help. Do your homework… read up on anything new you faced each day and things will fall into place.

2)Remember that it’s going to take you about a year before you’re going to be comfortable and confident in those nursing shoes. About six months from now you may find yourself doubting yourself more than ever and wondering if you made a huge mistake. Give it TIME. work through it slowly and you will succeed!!! Every new nurse goes through this… whether they’ll admit it or not.

photo: Microsoft.com