
National Nurse Act Needs ANA Support- NOW

The ANA has elected a new president to serve for the next two years. Her name is Karen Daley. I know that there are many of us who hope that the new board will be more devoted to supporting nurses and the nursing profession and less affected by the power and role as others have been in the past.

To that end, I sincerely hope that the new ANA Board will look closely at the National Nurse proposal and add the ANA’s support to this very important issue. Kim McAllister at Emergiblog has written an excellent open letter to the ANA asking for their support of the National Nurse campaign. Read and comment on her blog.  And you can email Karen Daley at ANA to ask her for ANA’s support.

The National Nurse Act of 2010 now has 15 Congressional members signed on in support!!!  Please contact YOUR Congression representative and ask him/her to support this measure. (I wish I could say I have been successful in gaining the support of my representative, but he is only interested in measures that support his interests and those of special interest groups who financially back him.) Read more about how student nurses view this issue.