
Playing Catch Up After a LONG Week

Sorry it’s been a long week and I have neglected this blog.
I did post something at Ultimate Nurse: Nurses Have a Voice and Should Not Go Silent!
Now is NOT the time for nurses to be bullied into thinking they will lose their jobs. It’s time to stand strong and hold on to the little ground we have gained in improving working conditions.

Nurses Week is rapidly approaching and yes, I do have a new design for the Print Your Own Kits this year, but have not gotten it posted. The theme is: At the end of the day, I can truly say I made a difference in someone’s life today. It too is $10. If you are interested, please email me and I’ll get you more details. Hope to get it posted this weekend.

Also….when ordering, PLEASE be sure you give the correct email address. I have an order I can’t process (and therefore can’t refund) because the email address bounces as Unknown Address.

I’ll get caught up in the next couple of days as long as my mom stays out of trouble!

Take care and have a great weekend! Enjoy Passover, Easter, the end of or beginning of Spring Break, etc.

And PLEASE….drink responsibly and use a designated driver if you drink. Baseball is my passion and we lost a wonderful young talent this week because some IDIOT who had a suspended license from a DUI decided to drive drunk yet again….of course he walked away (actually was a hit and run)! RIP Nick Adenhart and the two friends who also died in the same car.