
Widespread Problems with Compression Stockings

Recently CMS (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services) announced the latest additions to the Never Events/Do Not Pay List. This is a growing list of complications which Medicare will no longer reimburse hospitals for.

One of the items added to the list is blood clots which develop as a complication to hip and knee replacements. Nursezone.com has an important article highlighting a study published in the September 2008 issue of American Journal of Nursing.

This study shows widespread (worldwide) problems with compression stockings. From improperly applying the stockings to inaccurate measurements and fitting, these stockings are not being used appropriately and therefore not helping to prevent the formation of blood clots.

This information can be helpful in improving the quality of patient care and preventing loss of reimbursement for blood clots which result from hip and knee replacements.
photo: Jobst antiembolic stockings


  • AboutCompressionStockings.com

    I read about this story in AJN – it seems as if there are so many questions surrounding the use of compression stockings. That coupled with the problems with muscle functioning/disability that many patients who use these often have, and it’s a recipe for disaster.

  • aja

    Wow…this is a very interesting article. It suprised me that something as simple as embolism stockings can cause such damage to patients. It goes to show how important our role in a nurses to our patients. Accurracy and precision is key in the patient care setting.