• Widespread Problems with Compression Stockings

    Recently CMS (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services) announced the latest additions to the Never Events/Do Not Pay List. This is a growing list of complications which Medicare will no longer reimburse hospitals for. One of the items added to the list is blood clots which develop as a complication to hip and knee replacements. Nursezone.com has an important article highlighting a study published in the September 2008 issue of American Journal of Nursing. This study shows widespread (worldwide) problems with compression stockings. From improperly applying the stockings to inaccurate measurements and fitting, these stockings are not being used appropriately and therefore not helping to prevent the formation of blood…

  • Understanding the Nursing Process

    Are you struggling with the Nursing Process? Most student nurses do, and for some, the process takes quite a while to become comfortable with. For RNs, nursing is not all about the task at hand such as a dressing change, or passing medications. The nursing process is about seeing the whole patient and the factors that lead him to your door so to speak. Why is this middle-aged gentleman with CHF back again so soon? Why hasn’t this young woman learned about her diabetes and how to prevent such high blood sugars? The process is about being a detective and finding ways to educate your patients and help them to…