• The National Nurse & Health Care Reform

    Recently, Alisa Schneider MS, RN and Teri Mills MS, RN, ANP, CNE spoke at the Democracy Fest in Burlington, VT on the subject of Health Care Reform. Alisa and Teri both spoke about the need for health care reform. Teri explained the need for an Office of the National Nurse and “quality health care that is affordable and available to everyone.” At the end of her speech, Teri had the honor to introduce Gov. Howard Dean who spoke about President Obama’s plan for health care reform and why we need this kind of reform now. The Center for Media and Democracy has video of these 3 effective speeches on their…

  • We Need a National Nurse NOW!

    The WHO raised the swine flu pandemic alert to a 5 (out of6) and changed the name to Influenza A (H1N1) as the poor pigs are getting a bad rap from this one. Although it is now believed that the first case in Mexico may have been a young boy who contracted it from a pig and it mutated to a human to human transmission from there. There has been a call to all nurses to be alert to the public health crisis looming as the swine flu spreads across the U.S. Wouldn’t this be a perfect time to have a National Nurse? And a corps of nurses prepared and…

  • Largest Nursing Union Supports the National Nurse

    More exciting news comes today from The National Nurse campaign. The largest organization (union) of working RNs, known collectively as RNs Working Together AFL_CIO, has issued a statement of full support for the Office of a National Nurse. “As a nurse and a union leader, I believe that creating the Office of a National Nurse is a good way to enhance nursing recruitment and support policies that strengthen nursing education and practice,” says JNESO Executive Director Virginia Treacy, RN. This group of unions includes JNESO and the largest nursing union, California Nurses Association/National Nurses Organizing Committee (CNA/NNOC), along with 8 other affiliates to represent nearly 250,000 nurses in the U.S.

  • Nursing News…

    Time got away from me last week so here’s some news to catch up on… Teri Mills MS, RN, ANP, CNE announced in the National Nurse Blog last Thursday that the Oregon State Legislature has passed a resolution in support of the Office of a National Nurse. The resolution calls on the U.S. Congress to pass legislation creating this office. Oregon now joins Vermont, Massachusetts, and New York in supporting this cause. Don’t forget to sign the Office of a National Nurse Petition if you haven’t already done so. Ask your friends and family who are registered voters to sign too. Mother Jones at Nurse Ratched’s Place wrote a terrific…

  • Is the National Nurse Issue Really Stalled?

    In the January, 2009 issue of the American Journal of Nursing (AJN), Roxane Nelson BSN, RN poses the question of whether or not the idea of a National Nurse for America has stalled. When Teri Mills an NP and nurse educator from Portland OR originally proposed the idea in May of 2005, she suggested the creation of an office of a National Nurse in her op-ed piece in The New York Times. Over time the idea, as promoted by The National Nursing Network Organization (NNNO) chaired by Mills, has evolved to elevate and enhance the chief nurse officer who serves under the Surgeon General to the role of the National…