As Nurses Week winds down I do hope that you have taken time to honor YOU! To say thank you to YOU for all that YOU do and to thank those around you who help you so that you can continue to do so. I’ve seen many postings on social media about nurses being disappointed in the gifts they have or have not received from their employers. This is NOT about entitlement! And I hate seeing nurses act this way! Nurses Week is and always has been about elevating the presence of the nursing profession and about celebrating ourselves. It’s about reminding the world who we are and what we…
2019 Day 5 Nurses Week — More Give-Aways
It’s now Day 5 of Nurses Week. If you missed the free webinar from the ANA, 2019 National Nurses Week Webinar | Nurses4Us: Elevating the Profession! I strongly suggest you watch the replay. It was a very well done presentation with some uplifting points. You have to register and can get free ceus, but just listening may improve your life and career as a nurse. Due to personal circumstances beyond my control I wasn’t able to procure as many give-aways as I have in the past. Nurses Week should never be about the gifts. No gift is going to make you feel better about your career or like your employer…
2019 Day 4 – Nurses Week — Give Aways Begin
I am so thrilled to announce some great Give-Aways from my friend Tina Marrelli. Tina has a new app available for hospice care planning and she’s donating the Red Book Hospice Care Planning App with a 1 year subscription to the app for all of the great add on features such as using pre-written care plans to individualize to your patients. It’s only available now for IOS devices (iPhone and iPad) the Android version is still in the works. The beauty of this app and its add ons is that the care plans are really universal and can be adapted for any nursing field which could be especially useful for…
2019 Nurses Week – Day 3
Wednesday May 8 is National Student Nurse Day and since it’s the Wednesday of Nurses Week it’s also National School Nurse Day. Let’s all celebrate ALL nursing students and school nurses today! Take a moment to think back to your nursing school days. How far have you come since then? Remember all of the lives you’ve touched and made a difference in. Say THANK YOU to yourself! You deserve recognition. Thank you for all that you do!!!! Close your eyes and breathe deeply for just a moment. Go to your happy place, breathe again. Let your body fill and overflow with calm, soothing, refreshing energy and good thoughts. Let go…
2019 Nurses Week Day 2
Happy Nurses Week Day 2 There are MANY freebies and discounts for Nurses this week. Please be sure to check in your local newspapers or Google Nurses Week Deals [your city]. You may need special codes and or to show your nurses license. Remember this is about Celebrating YOU! You make a difference in your patient’s lives every day whether you ever know it for sure or not. Don’t wait for your employer to do something (possibly disappointing). Take care of YOU and enjoy the freebies and discounts. The ANA (American Nurses Association) is presenting a free ceu webinar. Be sure to Register for the free ceu webinar/twitter chat, Nurses…