• Nurses need to stand up and be heard

    Sorry I kind of took a few weeks off to deal with the COVID-19 impact on my family. Hope you all are well and safe. This issue with COVID-19 has been a struggle for nurses and healthcare workers everywhere, and there isn’t any real light at the end of the tunnel. There are a few glimmers of hope for a vaccine for the novel Corona virus by the the end of the year, more likely early 2021. In order to help improve healthcare in general, nurses are going to need to stand up and be heard! Not unlike many others, I have not escaped direct impact. A close family member…

  • Top 100 Nursing Blogs

    I am honored and humbled to be listed with so many fabulous nursing blogs as one of the Top 100 Nursing Blogs of 2020 That Matter from Nursebuff.com. Please be sure to check out this list and share on your social media. And please subscribe to their newsletter. Thank you Nursebuff.com!

  • Happy Nurses Month – Freebies and Discounts

    Everyone is used to Nurses Week from May 6-12 each year, but in honor of the WHO’s designation of 2020 as the Year of the Nurse, May was also designated Nurses Month. Nurses are in the news constantly for their heroic measures in the war against COVID19. Here are some important links to Freebies and Discounts for Nurses during Nurses Week May 6-12. Some have regional or local restrictions and some are national offers. Some are for all COVID19 front line health care workers and first responders.  There are lots of overlaps, but each has some unique discounts too. Check them carefully for instructions on how to redeem. Find some…

  • Tips for Photographing Wounds

    Photographing wounds is an essential part of documenting quality care, complications and healing progress. A picture is worth a thousand words when it comes to accurately depict the status and progress. Hopefully, you will never regret not having that level of documentation to support your care. A photograph can serve to visually describe a wound. It can be annotated to point out any areas of concern such as infection or hyper granulation. Pictures can also show greater progress towards healing in one area and not others. As you can see in the pictures below, consistent photos taken over a period of time can help document the healing process. Considerations for…

  • More than one right answer – learning critical thinking skills

    For the present, the COVID19 virus has students around the world pretty much excluded from in-person, hands-on nursing programs of any sort. Although some classes have been able to carry on with online sessions, these may be even more challenging for some students who struggle with this venue. Nursing at all levels from CNA to Advanced Practice and Ph.D. programs, is a very different type of learning altogether. All our lives as students there has been basically one right answer for test questions. For example, 2+2=4 in math no matter where you are and what language you speak. Common core and other ridiculous versions may take you through multiple unnecessary…

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