• The Nurses Float in the Rose Parade

    The Rose Parade from Pasadena, CA is a New Year’s Day tradition known throughout the world.  On Jan. 1, 2013, Sally Bixby RN CNOR will become only the second woman in the history of the parade, and the first nurse to preside as President of the Tournament of Roses and Rose Bowl Game. In honor of this event and to honor the profession of nursing, the Nurses Float 2013 will be in the parade. The float is entitled, A Healing Place. A recent graduate from the Pasadena City College School of Nursing and a student at PCC will ride on the float along with other nurses from Southern California. Nurses…

  • The American Nurse

    The American Nurse Photographs and Interviews is quite possibly one of the most beautiful photographic essays I’ve ever seen. I was delighted to find it today as I took time to actually read through some of my emails. It made the cover story for AJN in September 2012, so I guess I’m a little late to the table, but so very happy to have arrived now. The book actually captures the essence of the nurses chosen to be included in it. They jump off the pages though their portraits and their stories which are quite unique and yet very similar. Nurses are passionate individuals and this book absolutely oozes passion…

  • Issues for Men in Nursing

    If you are a man considering a career in nursing, or are already a male nurse, here’s a great article from the UCSF School of Nursing. It contains valuable information and multiple resources for male nurses. Photo: Microsoft.com For centuries, nursing was man’s work. And now we struggle to get men to become nurses. In the 21st century it seems hard to believe, but the issue of gender is still a huge barrier and stigma. Nursing is a profession and not a gender. The AAMN (American Assembly for Men in Nursing) has set a goal to have 20% on the student nurse population be men by 2020 (20×20 campaign) and…

  • How will the Results of the Presidential Election Affect Workers in the Allied Health Fields?

    Barack Obama’s victory in the U.S. presidential election makes it very difficult for the Republicans to eliminate or make significant adjustments to the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare. The Affordable Care Act is scheduled to be fully implemented in 2014. So how will it affect allied health care jobs? There are a variety of thoughts on the issue. According to a recent report from the Auburn Citizen in New York, U.S. Representative Anne Marie Buerkle believes a recent decision of a local hospital to lay off 25 workers can be directly attributed to the reduced Medicare reimbursements caused by the Affordable Care Act. Other experts believe Medicare payment…

  • Working Holidays is Routine for Nurses

    Photo by morguefile.com/mconnors In the past couple of weeks there has been such a fuss about retailers opening on Thanksgiving Day. I have to admit, the number of people appalled that anyone would ask someone to WORK on the holiday made me chuckle. I feel for them, but then, as all nurses know — health care doesn’t take holidays ever!! All nurses work more than their fair share of holidays all year round. In fact, during holiday seasons things can get even more hectic and stressful  than usual. There can be a rush to discharge patients –right now, and then there are the “regulars” who seem to find their way…