• Florence Nightingale, Feminist

    A guest post by Judith Lissauer Cromwell As Covid-19 continues to ravage the planet, The World Health Organization’s naming of 2020 as The Year of the Nurse to honor the two hundredth anniversary of Florence Nightingale’s birth is singularly apt. Most people have heard of Nightingale.  Not all know why.  Born (May 12, 1820) into wealth and privilege, brought up in the cream of English society, a precocious, mischievous child longed to be useful — to nurse the indigent sick.  “My daydreams were all of hospitals”; teen-aged Florence “visited them whenever I could.”[i]  But before satisfying her thirst for “a profession, a trade, a necessary occupation, something to fill &…

  • Earn Nursing ceus from NursingCECentral

    Continuing education for nurses is a requirement to renew nursing licenses for RNs and LPN/LVNs as well as Advanced Practice RNs in most US states and territories. The number of units varies from state to state as set by the state’s Board of Nursing. Some states have specific required courses that cover such topics as managing conflict, civility, human trafficking, HIV/AIDS, and avoiding medication errors. Nurses are by nature are overachievers and as such  have taken care of everyone else and suddenly often find themselves with 30 or so ceus due by tomorrow! Let’s hope most don’t cut it that close, but I do often see nurses on social media…

  • New from KQ Digital Nurse

    Home Health Care Planner New from KQ Digital Nurse – two new downloads to help make your life and career easier. One is a daily planner designed specifically for home health care nurses and therapists. It’s a digital download. Print as many of the specific pages as you need. It includes a 4-year calendar page, a blank calendar, a daily planning page, a caseload list, a page to include frequently used MD numbers or community resources for caregivers.  A new planner for hospice is in the works. Stay tuned. Time Management Skills Time management skills is something many nurses especially new nurses struggle with. I have re-written my Time Management…

  • Product Review:New Butter Face Mask Friction and Lip Balm

    I was recently provided the opportunity to test and review a product for mask friction and lip balm from Butter Face USA. I was reluctant at first because my skin is hyper sensitive and although I do wear a mask at work and whenever I’m out running errands, I don’t wear one as much as hospital nurses do. But with the Santa Ana winds in So. CA, and the associated lack of humidity, my skin has been super dry despite applying moisturizers. I began to notice some friction and irritation and decided to give these products a good try. The balm quickly healed my irritation and softened my skin within…

  • More Great New Nursing Book Reviews

    These are reviews of two great new nursing books. Add them to you library. I recently asked a friend to review a couple of new nursing books for us. Thank you Mark Graham. Glad your Internet has been restored from Hurricane Laura.  It’s All In the Delivery-Improving Healthcare Starting With a Single Conversation Anthony J. Orsini, D.O. 2020 ISBN: 978-1-09830-447-8 203 pages Communication is always the key to presenting bad and good news and Anthony Orsini, D.O. has written a book that shows and tells how nurses and doctors and all healthcare workers should communicate with their patients and families in a more compassionate manner.  Throughout the book he gives…