• Nurses in the News – Let’s Catch Up

    Nurses in the News – Let’s play catch up here with some important information and links… Well it’s been anther couple of pretty stressful weeks. With all of the devastating mass shootings across the country, and COVID rearing it’s ugly head again in several areas. And now we’re seeing the beginnings of a Monkey Pox issue. Hopefully there will be a better response and efforts to contain the outbreak. There’s just never a dull moment for nurses! The Nurses March last month did not receive the media attention most had hoped for but if you follow them on Facebook and IG, they are continuing their efforts and you’ll find out…

  • We Need More Nurses in Congress

    Healthcare has been through the wringer in the past 2 years  from COVID-19. In the US there have been almost 82 Million cases and over 1.9 Million deaths. So very many Americans are living with long reaching effects of having had COVID. The widespread misinformation from the very beginning and even now has cost Americans in millions of ways including financially, economically, job status, family relationships, etc. We pay for it every day at the grocery store, the gas pump, in the cost of all goods and services and the total lack of them. In our daily lives, masks and social isolation has taken a huge toll on every American.…

  • TheNursingSite.com is Back!

    It’s been awhile, but TheNursingSite.com is relaunching today after a moderate hiatus. Things just got out of hand and the Omicron variant hit my (vaccinated) household just after Christmas. Although I didn’t catch it, I was of course required to quarantine and work remotely while helping to get others back to health. It seemed impossible to catch up but finally there is light on the horizon. I feel compelled to jump back in at a time when the nursing profession has been overwhelmed and is struggling to hang on.   COVID FUNDING CRISIS Just when we thought we had a handle on things we got hit with another COVID variant…

  • How Assisted-Living Facilities Endangered Patients During the Pandemic

    A guest post by Farlyn Lucas Last year, as the COVID-19 pandemic swept across the United States and the globe, nursing homes around the nation became some of the deadliest, most dangerous places to be for elderly citizens. Eighteen months later, over 185,000 long-term care residents of nursing homes and assisted living facilities have died, accounting for 31% of all COVID deaths in the U.S. Unfortunately, no single factor or event can explain why assisted living facilities became ground zero for the coronavirus nationwide. The deadly storm that would start to unfold in early 2020 was already years in the making. For starters, analyses of annual Medicare data suggest that…

  • Nurses Week Give Away – Medelita Scrub Jacket

    Good morning, today’s give away is from Medelita. They have generously donated an embroidered Medelita scrub jacket or lab coat of your choice. One lucky winner will receive this prize. So be sure to enter below! MY REVIEW- Medelita Scrub Jacket In March, Medelita sent me a beautiful Ionic scrub jacket to review. It fits well and is so very comfortable! In a year where we have returned to wearing scrubs even in the office, I was so happy to add this piece to my wardrobe! It can be very chilly in my office during the winter and spring and this jacket has been a life saver! My cotton scrub…