It’s been awhile, but is relaunching today after a moderate hiatus. Things just got out of hand and the Omicron variant hit my (vaccinated) household just after Christmas. Although I didn’t catch it, I was of course required to quarantine and work remotely while helping to get others back to health. It seemed impossible to catch up but finally there is light on the horizon. I feel compelled to jump back in at a time when the nursing profession has been overwhelmed and is struggling to hang on. COVID FUNDING CRISIS Just when we thought we had a handle on things we got hit with another COVID variant…
Happy Holidays and New Year!
Review – The Nurse Gift Set
I was recently gifted a review set of The Nurse Gift Set to review. It consists of approximately 12 X 15 inch zippered insulated canvas bag, a 20 oz stainless-steel thermal insulated cup with safe sipping lid, and a 10 X 4 X 2 inch zippered hard stethoscope holder which can house other nursing supplies as well. The bag features a canvas side pocket and two mesh pockets to hold a water bottle. You can push the insulated cup into the mesh holder, but it won’t go all the way down. Better to either put the cup inside the insulated bag, or carry it and place in your car cup…
How To Reduce and Manage Stress During Nursing School
Between assignments, exams, labs, clinicals, and trying to balance a social life, there’s no doubt that nursing school causes students an immense amount of stress. Learning how to manage and reduce stress in nursing school is essential. Studies show that nursing students experience a higher level of stress compared to students studying other health sciences. Whether you’re an aspiring nurse or an RN going back to school, nursing students have a lot of weight on their shoulders. Although nursing school comes with its challenges, it’s arguably one of the most rewarding careers. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, it’s projected that the employment of registered nurses is to grow…
Nursing Essentials: What to Bring to Nursing School
Since the outbreak of COVID-19, the world has realized just how essential nurses are. Not only do we rely on them to care for us and tend to our everyday health needs, but we also count on them during times of crisis. Even when the world felt like it was falling apart, nurses were there working tirelessly to hold it together. They’ve been hailed as healthcare heroes as they’ve worked on the front lines amid an unprecedented pandemic. Nurses are extraordinary people! Source: Dragana Gordic/ If you have chosen to become a nurse, you are on your way to a rewarding career that will allow you to help people every…