• Stress Management Tips For Healthcare Workers

    Here’s a guest post for your enjoyment… Stress Management Tips For Healthcare Workers©2009 Sarah Scrafford All Rights Reserved There’s no doubt about it, stress is a part of each of our lives from the moment we lose the innocence of childhood and cross over the threshold into adolescence. And there are some professions that are more stressful than others, where you’re going to find it hard to manage this negative emotion let alone avoid it altogether, and the healthcare sector is one of them. The responsibility for patients weighs you down, the anxiety of loved ones takes its toll on you, the long hours make you a zombie fueled by…

  • Essentials for Nursing Students

    I just posted a new article on The Nursing Site entitled Essentials for Nursing Students. There are a lot of things to consider besides books, tuition, and fees. But before you buy anything, check with your school for specific information. photo:©Kathy Quan©2009 Kathy Quan RN BSN All Rights Reserved

  • Thanks for the Great Review!

    Over at Suite101.com, Lisa DeLuca wrote a terrific review of my book, The Everything Guide to Caring for Aging Parents. (Thanks Lisa!) Please give Lisa’s articles a thorough view. She has some very helpful information about Caregiver Support issues that we can all learn from!!! As a Feature Writer at Suite101.com, Lisa also offers valuable information about Personality/Anxiety/Mood Disorders.

  • An Updated HomeHealth101.com

    For those of you who may have an interest in home health nursing, I want to let you know that I have competed an update of my website HomeHealth101.com. ©2009 by Kathy Quan RN BSN ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

  • Nurses Don’t Learn it All in School

    From a new article at UltimateNurse.com… Most new nurses say that the things they wished they had learned in school include such things as the overwhelming amount of paperwork involved in admitting or discharging a patient, time management skills, how to prioritize and organize their days. The trouble is, most of this is simply just not possible given the structure of nursing programs. In some of the older diploma programs when nurses actually lived on the campus of hospitals and worked on the floors for whole shifts, they learned more about these things because they experienced them. Today, nursing students typically care for one or two patients and spend only…