• Nursing Issues in Health Care Reform Bill

    There are some very important issues for nurses in the Health Care Reform debate. They include: Funding for nursing education and the education of more nurse educators Rights and responsibilities for APRNs Quality of care issues The House of Representative is set to vote on Saturday Nov. 7 on HR 3962, the final House version of Health Care Reform. Each if these issues is included in the bill. The ANA supports this bill and urges nurses to READ the proposed legislation on theses nursing issues included and to contact their legislators to support this legislation.

  • LPN to RN

    With RN programs impacted and waiting lists growing, many are turning to LPN programs to get their nursing career started. Some will find that this is the part of nursing they love, and others will want to continue on for other career options in the RN track. Read more…

  • Nurses Needed: The Nursing Shortage is NO Myth

    Recently, the PBS program NOW re-ran it’s program on the nursing shortage. You might want to take a look. The recession may have slowed down the shortage temporarily, but the shortage is NO myth! For more information see the PBS site.

  • From Uniforms to Unions and the H1N1 Vaccine Debate

    A few tidbits of info… It seems New York State has rescinded its mandatory H1N1 flu shots for health care workers policy. With a shortage of flu vaccine, they have decided to prioritize who gets the vaccine and they don’t have enough to go around if they vaccinate all the nurses and other health care workers too. And from the Washington Post (free registration may be required) comes more food for thought about the H1N1 vaccine. Unionization of nurses always gets some blood flowing. Here’s something to think about before you make a choice. On a lighter note….Here’s an an interesting story about the history of nursing uniforms. I get…

  • YAZ/Yasmin Under Investigation from FDA

    One of the points about health care reform is that the high cost of health care has to be contained. When companies and drug manufacturers mislead the lay public and health care professionals about their products, this doesn’t help. When side effects are minimized and people are injured, this adds to the problem. YAZ and Yasmin are manufactured by Bayer HealthCare. The FDA has issued multiple warnings to Bayer this year alone because of misleading advertising and poor quality control in the manufacturing process. Bayer has sponsored its own studies to show that their product is safe, but they have been slow to rectify other issues. Yes now there’s a…