Nurses Month is rapidly approaching! May 1st is next week. May 6 is Nurses Day in the US. May 12 is the anniversary of the birth of Florence Nightingale and International Nurses Day. The theme as designated by the American Nurses Association is You Make a Difference. The focus this year is on Self-care, Recognition, Professional Development, and Community Engagement.
Although we can never count on employers to recognize us, the one thing that each and every nurse has control over is self-care. Taking even 10 to 15 minutes everyday to commit to self-care and self-recognition of all that you do is vital to your health and well-being as well as personal and professional growth. The key is you have to plan for it and schedule it and not just let it slip through the cracks and grow into resentments and unhealthy situations. Write sticky notes and paste them on your mirror, refrigerator, bedside table and even the dashboard of your care to remind yourself of your value and worthiness. Take a few minutes to close your eyes, take deep breaths and go to your happy place. Relax and refresh. Multitask and do this in the shower, the bathroom, or in bed either just before you drift of to sleep or first thing in the morning. Make it a priority!
If you’re need of small gifts to recognize your co-workers, please visit my Etsy shop and check out the cards, postcards, stickers, and gift tags. Another option is to check out Snappy Gifts. They offer a wide variety of gifts for nurses. Amazon has some great options as well.
(Full disclosure: I have no financial relationship to Snappy Gifts, but do make a small commission on purchases form Amazon made through the link provided. And I make a profit from purchases made from my Etsy store.)