• HAPPY NURSES MONTH- Let’s Celebrate You!

    Today is May 6 and it’s Nurses Day 2024 in the US. HAPPY NURSES MONTH- Let’s Celebrate You! We wish all of you, and all nurses around the world a wonderful day! Celebrate Yourselves! Not all employers will even mention or note that it’s May and it’s Nurses Month, or it’s May 6 and it’s Nurses Day. Don’t let that define you! You are a NURSE and You Make a Difference in Someone’s Life Every Day! The American Nurses Association’s theme for 2024 is Nurses Make the Difference. Stand tall and stand proud! Many employers will try to make a celebration, but most are really terrible at planning events, and…

  • Nurses Month is Rapidly Approaching

    Nurses Month is rapidly approaching! May 1st is next week. May 6 is Nurses Day in the US. May 12 is the anniversary of the birth of Florence Nightingale and International Nurses Day. The theme as designated by the American Nurses Association is You Make a Difference. The focus this year is on Self-care, Recognition, Professional Development, and Community Engagement. Although we can never count on employers to recognize us, the one thing that each and every nurse has control over is self-care. Taking even 10 to 15 minutes everyday to commit to self-care and self-recognition of all that you do is vital to your health and well-being as well…

  • Happy Nurses Month – Continue the Celebration of Nurses

    Happy Nurses Month! Once again I want to thank all of the great sponsors who graciously donated some fabulous Nurses Week Give Aways for loyal readers. All of the winners have been selected and notified. For privacy reasons I won’t reveal names but am so grateful for their loyalty!. Some familiar names among the winners. Thanks! Thank you Medelita for a great scrub jacket or lab coat donation. Thank you Ponto Footwear for $50 gift card and Free shipping. Thank you Beanie Sleeper for a wonderful natural sleep assistance. Thank you Fire Department Coffee for 2 packages of delicious ground coffee or beans. Thank you Amy Loviza (AmyChop.com)for beautiful Resin…

  • Nurses Week 2015 Theme: Ethical Practice Quality Care

    From May 6-12, 2015, we will celebrate National Nurses Week and honor the excellent quality care nurses deliver to patients every day. Nurses have once again been voted as the most honest and ethical professionals by the Gallup Poll. This event provides nurses the opportunity to pat themselves on the back and take a bow for all the great work and care provided on a daily basis 365 days a year, 24 hours a day. According to the American Nurses Association, “the 2015 National Nurses Week theme “Ethical Practice. Quality Care.” recognizes the importance of ethics in nursing and acknowledges the strong commitment, compassion and care nurses display in their…

  • Great Products for Nurses

    Well November came and went in a hurry and I was swamped with other projects. Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and are enjoying the whole holiday season! Try to not overdo and overstress. Stay well and take time to enjoy your family and friends during this exciting time of year! I am way overdue in sending shout outs for a few products I have received for review. So let me take this opportunity to tell you about some really great finds!!! Respiratory Guide First off I was given the opportunity a few months back to read and review a great resource for Respiratory care. Michael J Fischer, RRT, has…