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2019 Day 5 Nurses Week — More Give-Aways

It’s now Day 5 of Nurses Week. If you missed the free webinar from the ANA, 2019 National Nurses Week Webinar | Nurses4Us: Elevating the Profession! I strongly suggest you watch the replay. It was a very well done presentation with some uplifting points. You have to register and can get free ceus, but just listening may improve your life and career as a nurse.

Due to personal circumstances beyond my control I wasn’t able to procure as many give-aways as I have in the past. Nurses Week should never be about the gifts. No gift is going to make you feel better about your career or like your employer better or become a loyal reader of this website/blog. Nurses Week is about Celebrating YOU!!! Taking a moment to recognize all that you do and saying thank you!

You are nurses and your passion should be about helping people. No one ever said this was an easy job, a glamorous job, or a high-paying, prestigious job. But it IS a job that not just anyone can do! You are unique. You have a gift. You have specific skills and abilities, and you have a passion for caring for others. You make a difference!

Thank you for all that you do. For the long hours, the shifts with short or no breaks, for dealing with people who are never at their best, for letting the doctor yell and scream so he feels better about himself, for your patience with that student nurse or new grad, for demonstrating and educating that patient and his wife over and over until they finally got it, for holding the hand of the patient dying alone, for letting the family member hold onto you and cry on your shoulder when things went south for their loved one, for taking your time to remove a dressing so it didn’t hurt and frighten that child, for swallowing hard and smiling when you faced that disgusting smell, for all the things that you that make a difference for someone everyday!

Today’s Give-Aways are:

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