
Nurses Week GiveAway Contest Rules

Nurses Week 2016 begins tomorrow, Friday May 6 and runs through Thurs. May 12 which is Florence Nightingale’s birthday. The American Nurses Association theme for Nurses Week this year is Culture of Safety; It Starts With You.

Here are some FREE content GiveAways to get the party started….

  • Be sure to check out ANA’s FREE GiveAway WEBINAR, Culturally Congruent Care; Why Diversity Makes a Difference
  • Fastaff Travel Nursing is running a contest and giving away two $500 Southwest Airlines gift cards  for nominating “someone who is a part of your nurse family and describe how he or she enhances your nurse experience.” See #fastaffnursefamily give-away.  
  • TopRNtoBSN.com has created a guide to help determine Real Cultural Competency for Nurses. Worth checking out some of this information. 
  • Lippincott Solutions is granting access during Nurses Week to some of it’s best evidence-based content written for nurses by nurses. Selections are from Lippincott Procedures, Lippincott Advisor and Lippincott Development Content.

Once again this year TheNursingSiteBlog.com has some great Give-Aways to help celebrate Nurses. Items will be highlighted EACH day May 6 to May 12.

Here are the Rules to earn your chance to win one of these great items:

 You MUST do 1 of the following. You can enter EACH day to improve your chances to win.

  1.  COMMENT on the daily blog post. You have to have a Google account to comment, but it’s free. 
  2. OR Post a COMMENT on the blog feed on any of our Facebook pages                                   (TheNursingSite.com, TheNursingSiteGroup, HomeHealth101.com )
  3. OR  Follow Kathy Quan RN BSN on TWITTER & then Retweet tweets about the GiveAways. 

On May 15, I will accumulate all of the names of the participants from the blog comments, Facebook posts and Twitter retweets, and randomly draw names from those who have done 1 or more of the tasks listed above. Each task earns one entry.

Winners will be notified through Google+, Facebook or Twitter. Please check your accounts. I will also list the winners in a blog post here on May 20. So please check back then to be sure you don’t miss notification.

Some of the great #GiveAways we have this year include gift cards from several Scrubs retailers, Illumivein vein finder kits, Sugarwish Candy, Compression Socks, Art Prints and several books. Be sure to check in each day May 6-12 for your chance to enter and win one of these great #NursesWeekGiveAways.

Happy Nurses Week!!!

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