
Happy Nurses Day!

Today begins the annual week long celebration of the nursing profession. No you won’t be buried in lavish gifts! If you’re really lucky perhaps you”ll receive a small token of appreciation and maybe a buffet of breakfast or lunch. And no, even if the employer kept that money, you couldn’t get a significant raise from it.

Celebrate YOU all by yourself perhaps or with your co-workers if you’re lucky to have some wonderful ones. Let’s hope you have many great co-workers.

Nurses have to find and make their own rewards. It is not often that you’ll ever see the end results of the great care you give, or the education you impart, for your patients move on and hopefully succeed because you were there for them in their hour of need. It was just a sall window of time in their life.

It’s not like an invention the inventor sees through to the end product, or the factory that sees the finished products come off the assembly line and get sent to the consumers. You need to take pride in who you are and the care you give every day. You give wholly of yourself so that others will be comforted and cured and find better days ahead. You make a difference in someone’s life everyday!

Take this celebration week and reflect on the little things, the small ways in which YOU made a difference and celebrate YOU! Pull out your happiness jar and read through the moments you captured on the bits of paper in your jar. Pat yourself on the back and know you gave it your best. And then go back out there and do it all over again for another year!

Happy Nurses Day and Week to the best professionals on the planet!!

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