
National Nurse Act of 2011 Continues to Garner Supporters

The National Nurse Act of 2011 (HR 3679) continues to gain support across the country; the latest coming from the NY Assembly. See the National Nursing Network Organization Web Log for details.

This act is cost neutral and non-partisan. As preventable diseases continue to rise and drive the cost of health care ever higher (at a time when we can least afford it) the need for public health education is more important than ever.

Almost half of Americans are health care illiterate essentially meaning they don’t know what they don’t know and therefore can’t find out answers to help them lead healthier lifestyles and prevent chronic diseases and/or the complications that come with them.

The National Nurse Act supporters will once again travel to Washington DC in August to educate lawmakers on the importance of this measure. If you would like to make a DONATION to assist with travel for these devoted nurses and friends, please click here.

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