
New Products from SupportForNurses.com

If you noticed that my posts here were few and far between over the summer, I can now show you why. I was very busy updating 3 e-booklets and developing a new e-Toolkit for SupportForNurses.

All of these products can be very helpful to new nurses in particular, and to experienced nurses who need some support and encouragement to deal with new challenges we face everyday. They can be useful tools for preceptors and mentors as guidelines to help new nurses come up to speed. They are also useful tools for nurse educators in nursing programs to assist students to grow into fine new nurses.

Nurse educators in facilities can use these products to develop their orientation and continuing education programs simply by adding a unique post test or evaluation form. The e-Toolkit comes with a Power Point presentation and a manual for the nurse educator which can also be used by the individual as a self-guided study.

The 3 updated e-booklets are:

  • 102 Tips for a Successful Transition: New Grad to Competent Nurse
  • 72 (PLUS) Tips for Accurate and Ethical Documentation in the 21st Century
  • Tips and Strategies for Effective Time Management

The e-Toolkit is:

  • Nurses: Facing Challenges in the 21st Century A Training Manual for Health Educators

The toolkit is specifically designed to help nurses understand and hone their critical thinking skills by including a number of exercises to develop and mold ideas and plans to implement mandated care issues to their own facilities and circumstances.

I hope you will find these items helpful! Check out some of the other products available on their website too and sign up for the newsletter.

One Comment

  • Anonymous

    Nice job. I am already semi-retired working on a website for the in-home caregivers of elderly, but came across your etool kit offer on Twitter. Please keep up the good work. I see many new nurses who are immediately overwhelmed in the field. Glad to find you helping them adjust. I was beginning to think that "Critical Thinking" was something of the past!!! 🙂 When you have time, visit my blog at http://www.askmyrninfo.com and give me a comment on my work.
    Blessing and best wishes,
    Jan Ewald, RN, BSN