
Attention ICU Nurses: Tell Your Story

I received another call for stories from Kaplan Publishing:

Call for Stories from Nurses

Kaplan Publishing has launched an exciting new series of nonfiction books that share the stories behind the relationships, experiences, and issues nurses encounter on the job—whether they work in a hospital, clinic, home setting, hospice, private medical practice, or elsewhere.

Entertaining and educational, inspirational and practical, each book features 20–25 true stories written by nurses about the experiences and relationships that inspire and enrich the lives of nurses and all those who come into contact with them.

We are now accepting stories for the following anthology:
LIVES IN THE BALANCE: Nurses’ Stories about the ICU

In the ICU, nurses care for patients with life-threatening illnesses and injuries. Critical care nurses have advanced skills, knowledge, and expertise, as well as special personal qualities because in the ICU everything happens: hope and despair; life and death. Share your story of being an ICU nurse.

· The steep ICU learning curve; where you are on it and how you got there

· Ethical dilemmas such as those involving end-of-life decision-making or technology

· Coping with the emotional stress or spiritual questions this work evokes

· Supporting families during the critical time of a loved one’s stay in the ICU

· The special teamwork required

· How ICU nurses’ keep patients safe and promote healing and recovery

· A typical “ICU moment”

Submission Deadline: February 17, 2009

Editor: Tilda Shalof, RN, BScN, Author of A Nurse’s Story and The Making of a Nurse

Send stories to: kaplanlivesinthebalance@gmail.com


Payment: $100 if published, along with a complimentary copy of the book.

Story length: 1,000–2,500 words

Point of view: First Person

Nonfiction: All stories must be true, previously unpublished stories from your personal experience.

Tone: Inspiring, poignant, and, when appropriate, humorous.

Format: Microsoft Word, 12-point Times New Roman, double-spaced

Contact info: Each submission should include your name, address, phone number, and email address.

Remember: Tell a story that has a beginning, middle, and end. Write from your heart about a life-changing or life-defining experience. Be sure to make your story rich by vividly painting the characters, the setting, and dialogue.

Due to the volume of submissions we receive, we cannot acknowledge receipt of submissions or provide status updates. If your story is selected for publication, you will be notified by e-mail. Manuscripts will not be returned. Authors may submit multiple stories for any of the three books.

Before final acceptance, you will receive an agreement that outlines the terms and conditions of publication. All manuscripts selected for publication will be subject to editing.

To Submit Your Story

Typed submissions are preferred, but we will accept a hand-written submission.

Each submission must include your contact information, including your full name, mailing address, phone number, and email address, if you have one.

Each submission also must include a story title and word count.

Electronic (emailed) submissions are preferred; mailed submissions are acceptable.

Email: In the subject line, cite the story title and the anthology for which the story is intended. Type the story into the body of the email or send an attachment in Microsoft Word. One (1) submission per email.

Mail: You can send more than one story per envelope. Include one self-addressed, postage-paid envelope for each submission. Send only the paper copy of the story; do not send computer disks or CDs. Mail to:

Nurse Stories
Editorial Assistant
Kaplan Publishing
1 Liberty Plaza, 24th Floor
New York, NY 10006, USA

Unfortunately, we cannot accept phone calls.