
Toy Recalls Continue

It’s overwhelming to think about the number of toys that have been recalled in the past few months mostly due to lead content and other safety concerns. Our local news station alerted us to this new Widget that updates with each new recall. (See the sidebar.)

I hope it’s helpful to anyone with young children in the home or family. As the holiday buying season moves into high speed with “Black Friday” next week, it’s going to be increasingly difficult to know what to buy for children. Poor Santa really has his hands full this year!


  • LAFD Media and Public Relations


    Just a quick note to say thanks for including the Toy and Children’s Product Recall widget on the Nursing Site Blog.

    With up-to-the-minute information from our friends at the CPSC, we’re confident that the widget will be a popular resource for your readers throughout the holiday season.

    The coming year will see an ever-increasing partnership between members of America’s Fire Service and the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission in offering on-line tools and information, and we hope that we can count on you to support (and offer meaningful feedback) for the projects yet to come.

    Kathy, your work at about.com certainly set the benchmark for vocational health reference sites, and we wish you well in your new blogging endeavor!

    Respectfully Yours in Safety and Service,

    Brian Humphrey
    Public Service Officer
    Los Angeles Fire Department

    LAFD Blog: lafd.blogspot.com