• Finding an Accredited Nursing Program

    How do you find an accredited nursing program? What is an accredited program and Why does it have to be accredited? These are important questions to understand and consider in searching for a nursing program that fits with your own criteria. There are other factors to consider as well. What does impacted mean? Along with the shortage of nurses, we have a shortage of nurse educators and this means that nursing programs are overcrowded and many have long waiting lists. Candidates who are at the top of their game are usually the first ones to get admitted. One way to hedge your bets is to apply to several programs. Find…

  • A Holiday Card Available on The Nursing Site

    I hope everyone had a terrific Thanksgiving holiday! How’s your holiday shopping going? Hope it isn’t stressing you out too much. Stop and enjoy the season! If you’re looking for a card for your staff, fellow nurses or students, I have one available on The Nursing Site. For $5 (through PayPal) you can download and print your own on card stock or even regular paper. Print several, or take the .pdf file to your printer. Take the stress out of wishing your colleagues a happy holiday season!

  • Welcome

    Welcome to The Nursing Site. As you may know, About.com is making changes and will disband the Nursing site. They are going to have a health care careers site and incorporate nursing into the site. I encourage you to continue to visit this new site and support About.com. They are a great site and a wonderful company to work for. I will post my articles from that site as soon as I have all rights to them again. This should be in a couple of weeks. Until then you can still access them at nursing.about.com. As I begin to set up a new website for my articles all about nursing,…