• Great Books and Products for Nurses

    I want to thank Nursing Experts.com  for recognizing TheNursingSiteBlog.com as one of their Top 25 Nursing Blogs in 2015. You have to scroll down past the list of nursing schools, but well worth the effort. There are some really terrific blogs in the list and I’m humbled to be listed here. And many THANKS to Keith Carlson from Digital Doorway also nominated TheNursingSiteBlog for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award. Thanks Keith! Next—Catching up on a few things I’ve tried to work in for several weeks now….. Marijke Vroomen Durning, RN has written a fantastic educational and teaching tool for nurses: Just the Right Dose Your Smart Guide to Prescription Drugs…

  • Great Products for Nurses

    Well November came and went in a hurry and I was swamped with other projects. Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and are enjoying the whole holiday season! Try to not overdo and overstress. Stay well and take time to enjoy your family and friends during this exciting time of year! I am way overdue in sending shout outs for a few products I have received for review. So let me take this opportunity to tell you about some really great finds!!! Respiratory Guide First off I was given the opportunity a few months back to read and review a great resource for Respiratory care. Michael J Fischer, RRT, has…