• The Nursing Shortage is Not Over

    I’ll admit that I love to people watch. However, it has been a frightening thing lately because I have overheard far too many conversations with young people talking about wanting to become nurses, but there are no jobs. The recession may have slowed the nursing shortage a bit, because so many older nurses have come out of retirement or semi retirement, but the nursing shortage is poised to be an even bigger problem as a result if all those nurse decide to make a mass exodus once the economy recovers. New grads may have difficulty finding jobs right now in some markets, but if they expand their options, there are…

  • An Updated HomeHealth101.com

    For those of you who may have an interest in home health nursing, I want to let you know that I have competed an update of my website HomeHealth101.com. ©2009 by Kathy Quan RN BSN ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

  • Holidays for Nurses???

    I hope everyone had a great Valentine’s Day whether you are with the love of your life or not, I hope it was a good day. Being a Saturday, meant many of you had to work… Also hope you all emerged unscathed from Friday the 13th as well. We had a few major challenges in my family, but I think we’re on the road to recovery from them. Not looking forward to another one soon, but March always seems to mirror February and so we have another to face soon enough. And now it’s President’s Day here in the U.S. No mail, no banks are open, and many businesses are…

  • Adding Content to The Nursing Site

    I have begun the tedious task of adding content to The Nursing Site from the old Nursing.About.com. I started with “How to Become a Nurse” articles and have a few others up as well. I estimate this is going to take a few weeks to get it done right so please bear with me, and if you’d like to know when it’s all done, please be sure to subscribe to the feed for this blog, and join the Forum. The links for these are in the sidebar. Many thanks to all of you who have written to encourage me!!!

  • The Nursing Site Forum is open

    The Nursing Site website has been set up and I am adding content everyday. As soon as I have rights to my articles from nursing.About.com, I will post them as well. This should be around the end of November. Today I created a new discussion FORUM site for The Nursing Site. It is hosted on Google Groups. Please join and become a frequent visitor. Invite your colleagues.The address is: http://groups.google.com/group/the-nursing-site-forum?lnk=gcimh