• Skin in the Game (Book Review)

    I recently reviewed another great book for my site at Suite101.com called Skin in the Game by John Hammergren and Phil Harkins. The subtitle of the book, How Putting Yourself Today Will Revolutionize Health Care Tomorrow, gives you a window into the topic of the book. This is a terrific book about the evolution of the healthcare industry. It provides terrific insight into how we got to this point and what we need to do to resolve the health care crisis. It’s a must read for anyone studying to be a nurse, and anyone continuing their education into areas such as health care administration or becoming an independent practitioner such…

  • More Nursing Scholarships for 2008… Apply NOW!

    Clinique cosmetics is offering nursing scholarships for the 2nd year in a row in their campaign to contribute to the future of healthcare. Clinique was created by a group of dermatologists who understand first hand the shortages the health care industry is facing as well as the high cost of health care education. Scholarships for BSN students will be awarded in the amount of $5000 to $6000. To qualify the student must be (or will be) attending any BSN program in the U.S. which is accredited by the NLNAC (National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission). The student must be eligible to receive financial aid, have a 3.0 GPA (on a…

  • Support Candidates who Support Nurses!

    The Paul Wellstone Mental Health & Addiction Act passed in the House of Representatives last week! Many thanks to all of you who contacted your Representatives! Now, nurses need your help… there is still time to get signatures on the “Dear Colleagues” letter being circulated by Representatives Lois Capps (D-CA) and Steven LaTourette (R-OH) to encourage Congress to increase funding in the FY 2009 budget for the Title VIII Nursing Workforce Development program which help to fund education costs for nurse educators. Signatures are needed by tomorrow, March 12. As nurses we need to continue to contact of legislators to remind them that whether or not every American has health…

  • Michigan Funds Program to Help High School Students Prepare for Nursing School

    Here’s a perfect example of why nurses should pay attention to political issues. The state of Michigan is funding a program to better prepare high school students for nursing school. One of the reasons nursing students don’t succeed in nursing school is that they have difficulties with the math or reading. This poor success rate is why so many nursings schools have now instituted entrance exams to exclude students who don’t have the math, reading and science skills to pass. This type of program is designed to help high school students achieve the necessary math, science and reading skills to succeed and to eventually become nurses and help to solve…

  • National Nurse Campaign

    To solve the nursing shortage crisis, it’s going to take a lot of thinking outside the box. One idea came from Terri Mills RN, MS, ANP, a nurse educator at Portland Community College in Oregon. In an op-ed column in the New York Times, Mills suggested the idea for a National Nurse. Over the past couple of years, the idea has evolved and gained support. Learn more about the Campaign for a National Nurse. Watch this video about the National Nurse Campaign. For more information read the National Nurse blog.