• Another Way to Honor the Nursing Profession During Nurses Week

    Do something for YOU and your fellow nurses to celebrate Nurses Week….. Call or email your Senators and Representatives and ask them to co-sponsor legislation in the House or Senate that improves Home Health Care and allows for Advance Practice nurses such as NPs. Clinical Nusre Specialists and Nurse Midwifes to sign orders for home health care for their patients. This is LONG OVERDUE. Read more….

  • Nurses: Americans Want to Hear Your Opinions and Honor You

    Nursing is a profession that provides many opportunities for a variety of skills and passions. Nurses: Caring Today for a Healthier Tomorrow (the 2010 Nurses Week Theme) sums up some of that as nurses strive to provide quality care and patient education to people from all walks of life in many different settings and situations. Nurses Week in the U.S. takes place each year from May 6-12. Like the profession, Nurses Week doesn’t follow the typical M-F work week. This year it begins on a Thursday and ends the following Wed. May 6 is National Nurses Day. May 12 is the anniversary of the birth of Florence Nightingale. You can…

  • Nursing is Not a Gender

    As Nurses Week continues, let’s remember that nursing is not a gender, it is a profession. In fact, the first nurses were men, and men dominated the nursing profession for centuries. Today, men make up about 6-7% of the civilian nursing workforce in the U.S. In the U.S. military, men make up about 35% of the nursing workforce. The art of nursing is not just for women. Help us to grow the nursing workforce by encouraging others (men and women alike) to become nurses. photo: Microsoft.com

  • Happy National Nurses Day and Nurses Week!!

    Hope everyone has a great Nurses Week. Today is also School Nurses Day (the Wed. of Nurses Week). Student Nurses Day is Friday, May 8, and of course May 12 is the anniversary of the birth of Florence Nightingale who got us all into this (nursing) in the first place! Enjoy! Take pride in what you do and how you make a difference for someone everyday! The official 2009 theme for ANA is Nurses: Building a Healthy America…. please continue to weigh in with your opinions about a National Nurse, and contact your legislators to make it happen!!(Scroll down to the next oldest post.) If you forgot and need some…

  • We Need a National Nurse NOW!

    The WHO raised the swine flu pandemic alert to a 5 (out of6) and changed the name to Influenza A (H1N1) as the poor pigs are getting a bad rap from this one. Although it is now believed that the first case in Mexico may have been a young boy who contracted it from a pig and it mutated to a human to human transmission from there. There has been a call to all nurses to be alert to the public health crisis looming as the swine flu spreads across the U.S. Wouldn’t this be a perfect time to have a National Nurse? And a corps of nurses prepared and…