• Tell ANA You Support a National Nurse

    If you’d like to share your support of the Office of a National Nurse with the American Nurses Association, please send an email to the new CEO, Marla Weston, at marla.weston@ana.org. The ANA opposes the idea of the ONN, but have they polled the membership or do a few officers make these decisions on their own? This is a burning question. If you are a member of ANA have you been asked for your opinion about this issue, or other issues that ANA takes a stand on? Make your voice heard to the ANA on this issue. You should also read Nurse Ratched’s post.

  • Nursing News…

    Time got away from me last week so here’s some news to catch up on… Teri Mills MS, RN, ANP, CNE announced in the National Nurse Blog last Thursday that the Oregon State Legislature has passed a resolution in support of the Office of a National Nurse. The resolution calls on the U.S. Congress to pass legislation creating this office. Oregon now joins Vermont, Massachusetts, and New York in supporting this cause. Don’t forget to sign the Office of a National Nurse Petition if you haven’t already done so. Ask your friends and family who are registered voters to sign too. Mother Jones at Nurse Ratched’s Place wrote a terrific…

  • Some Must Read Blog Posts for Nurses

    Mother Jones RN over at Nurse Ratched’s Place has a very interesting blog post for this episode of Change of Shift. Check out those uniforms and nursing caps from some “old school nurses” as she relates our nursing predecessors to the challenges we face today as nurses. It’s a great blog post!! Be sure to read the linked blogs as well. Many thanks to Jana at Reality RN for asking me to guest blog!! (Staying When All You Want to Do is Quit.) I hope it’s a timely piece for those of you just entering the profession. It’s going to to take you about a year to get comfortable in…