• 99 Top Nursing Blogs

    GeriatricNursing.org has complied a really nice list of nursing bloggers and has honored many of us as “Top 99 Nurse Bloggers of 2017.” I am always humbled and honored to be in such great company and share with you because this list is complex and well annotated. I found some new favorites and so will you. Check out these blogs. Thanks!!!! window.amznpubstudioTag = “daretodreampr-20”;

  • Very Inspiring Blogger Award– WOW!!!

    I am thrilled and humbled to announce that The Nursing Site Blog was recently nominated for a Very Inspiring Blogger Award! This is an award given by bloggers to fellow bloggers who inspire them and who are motivated to make the blogosphere a beautiful place. The award asks us to honor and learn more about the person behind the blog. The Nursing Site Blog  was nominated by a fellow Blogger and nurse colleague Anne Llewellyn who’s fabulous blog is Nurse Advocate. You have to check it out!!!! The rules that accompany this award: The first rule is that I am to share 7 facts about myself. Here they are:  I…