• Understanding the Nursing Process

    Are you struggling with the Nursing Process? Most student nurses do, and for some, the process takes quite a while to become comfortable with. For RNs, nursing is not all about the task at hand such as a dressing change, or passing medications. The nursing process is about seeing the whole patient and the factors that lead him to your door so to speak. Why is this middle-aged gentleman with CHF back again so soon? Why hasn’t this young woman learned about her diabetes and how to prevent such high blood sugars? The process is about being a detective and finding ways to educate your patients and help them to…

  • Nurses Improve Care and Outcomes

    Once again the value of nurses in providing quality care and improved outcomes for patients has been demonstrated by a study involving family medicine practices and diabetic patients. From the Annals of Family Medicine; January/February 2008.This result is not surprising. However, this particular study looks at outcomes in family practices with Nurse Practitioners versus physicians alone and practices with physicians and Physician Assistants. The practices with NPs provided better care. John Q. Public may not understand why this is so, but nurses will certainly understand why. The minimum education requirements for PAs and NPs is vastly different, as is the content and focus. You can become a PA with an…