• Top 50 You Tube Videos About Nursing Specialties

    Nursing offers so many specialties, but too many nurses feel stuck and have no idea how to find information about a specialty, much less how to move their career in that direction. Here’s a great site with links to all sorts of opportunities for nurses wishing to advance their careers and education.

  • Some Great Articles and Sites to Check Out…

    It has been awhile since my last post. I recently completed an online interview with BestNursingDegree.com about home health, hospice and nursing in general. (I’m not the best public speaker, but I really hope you’ll enjoy the information!) I have also bee very busy editing and writing– working on the second edition of The Everything New Nurse Book for Adams Media. The first edition has sold so well they want to update it. Hurray! [It has been updated and published.See the link for the Second Edition.] Recently I have received notice that The Nursing Site Blog as been listed on a few other sites. Check these out. Here’s the links:…