• FREE ANA Webinar: Surviving Bullying

    The American Nurses Association is presenting a FREE live interactive webinar on Thursday, April 26, 2018 from 1-2:30PM ET, entitled How to Survive Bullies during Your Early Years as an RN According to the email, this webinar will help you to: Recognize the common causes of bullying among nurses Spot the tactics a bully uses – it is not all in your head! Set limits: Deciding for yourself what is acceptable and what is not Open a dialog with the bully: How to bring courage and calmness to the situation Confront the bully: The best way to call-out the behavior Know when and how to escalate your concerns to your…

  • Nurses Week Give Aways

    Nurse week begins Tuesday, May 6 and runs through Monday, May 12. You can find more information about the history of Nurses Week on TheNursingSite.com There are a lot of events taking place to honor nurses. Texas Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson was the first nurse elected to Congress. Last week she introduced House Resolution 540 to recognize nurses and Nurses Week. The American Nurses Association chose the theme Nurses Leading the Way……. and on Wednesday, May 7 at 1:00PM EDT the ANA is sponsoring a FREE webinar for nurses Transforming Healthcare Through Nursing Leadership. Nurses can earn 1 CEU free. Register now. The Nerdy Nurse is sponsoring a Tweet Chat…