• ACA HAS NOT CHANGED with passage of House bill

    Happy Cinco de Mayo! And stay tuned for some really great information prizes for Nurses Week May 6-12. I also hope you will educate your families and your patients that even though the ACA Repeal and Replace Act passed the House, it is NOT the law! There is a process to be followed. The Senate has to approve it first, but they have already indicated they will not consider it and instead plan to write their own version which will then have to be approved in the House. And then it won’t become law until 2019! Therefore NOTHING has changed. Your insurance is the same as it was yesterday! Don’t…

  • American Healthcare is in Jeopardy

    Healthcare is on the front burner in American politics. The new regime has promised to overturn the ACA (Affordable Care Act) aka “Obamacare,” something that has been tried many times since it became law and has failed. This time it might not. And they have assured us they intend to act swiftly. We need to act now!! What are the consequences? It is TERRIFYING to think that the action may be taken without a thought or care as to what to do after the fact.  Suddenly literally Millions of Americans could find themselves without ANY health insurance and NO options. For years the Republican party has shouted they have a…

  • Expanding the Role of RNs and Advanced Practice Nurses

    By Vance Hobbes With the passage of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in March 2012, some 30 million new patients have been able to access healthcare of which they were previously unable to. With health professionals already squeezed for time and unable to fit any more patients on their schedules, there must be some way of absorbing these additional patients into hospitals and clinics. How will this be possible then? An immediate solution to this problem is to open the opportunity for registered nurses and advanced practice nurses to take on some of the responsibilities previously exclusive to doctors. Now I am certainly not suggesting these nurses should take over…