If you’ve come to find yourself in the unfortunate situation of being arrested, you’re probably scared and filled with anxiety. It’s a terrible experience for anyone. Worse yet, you find out that your career may be on the line all due to an honest mistake. As a nursing professional, it’s important to understand the rules and regulations regarding your license. Knowing how to prevent issues before they occur and what to do after can make all the difference in keeping your license and your livelihood. Criminal convictions can affect your nursing license; they can affect other medical professionals’ licenses as well, such as doctors or therapists.
Nursing Site Awards
I’ve been very busy with projects this last quarter and with transitioning the blog, I’ve been remiss in acknowledging our peers and supporters who have honored the site such as: OnlineNursingDegree.com: And NurseRecruiter.com: Many thanks for the accolades! Please be sure to chack out these lists! There are some truly exceptional blogs to read! ~Kathy
Have a Safe and Happy Holiday Season!
8 Ways to Perk Up Patients During the Holidays
Patient or nurse, no one chooses to be in the hospital over the holidays—but sometimes it can’t be helped. If you’d like to help cheer up your patients but aren’t sure how, we’ve rounded up eight ideas to help you perk them up over the holidays. And don’t be surprised if these acts of kindness make you feel better as well. Helping others release neurotransmitters can contribute to positive feelings, so put on those holiday scrubs and get in the spirit of the season! Try to keep a positive attitude. Yes, it sucks to work on a holiday, especially when everyone else you know is at home with family…
Johnson & Johnson Honors Nurses