• Please Support The National Nurse Act

    The National Nurse Act for Public Health (HR 1597 and S 696) are important Identical bills before both the Senate and the House of Representatives. The act would designate an already funded position, the Chief Nurse Officer of the USPHS to be the National Nurse for Public Health, and give nurses a huge voice in public health for all Americans. Nurses are 4 million strong and need a solid voice and strong leadership to  educate the public in how to Prevent chronic illnesses and complications which take a huge toll on the health care industry as well as the financial status of all Americans. We face multiple public health crises…

  • Creating Confusion with Nursing Jargon

    I want to share a funny anecdote to demonstrate the art of communication. Recently a Nurse Manager friend at a nearby agency shared that one of her staff nurses was asking for help with a patient whose loved ones were demanding hydration for their dad who is no longer eating or drinking fluids. He’s terminally ill and hydration is not recommended as it can cause more harm than good in the last days. But the family is in total denial and insisting we try.  His veins are shot as well as shriveled from the dehydration, but the attending physician asked for the nurse to try one liter of fluid just…

  • Debunking Three Common Travel Nursing Myths

    The demand for nurses growing – the US Bureau of Labor and Statistics projects that employment opportunities for nurses will grow by 15%  through 2026; that’s more than 400,000 new nursing jobs. Growing parallel to that demand is the need for travel nurses. Hospitals and facilities across the country are hiring more and more travel nurses to help address staffing shortages and meet their needs for skilled nurses. This bright job outlook may have you considering travel nursing as a career path to increase your skills, move to new cities and experience new assignments. However, you may be hesitant to make the leap into travel nursing because you have concerns about…

  • 2019 Day 7 Nurses Week — Happy Birthday Flo

    As Nurses Week comes to an end and we celebrate the anniversary of the birth of Florence Nightingale, I hope you have said Thank you to your colleagues and managers. I hope you have celebrated with them all that you do collectively to make a difference for your patients. Take time for YOU today, even if it’s only a few seconds in the hallway. Take  deep breath and return to your happy place, breathe, relax and refresh your spirit and carry on! Do great things for your patients, your friends, your family and YOU. HAPPY NURSES WEEK 2019! And Happy Mother’s Day! Don’t forget to enter our contests… the contests…