• One Nurse at a Time — Nurses Giving Back

    One Nurse at a Time is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization which was created for nurses by nurses with a passion about giving back to the local as well as national and global communities through volunteer operations. “Although the majority of Americans have some understanding of what nurses do in the United States—working in clinics, hospitals, nursing homes, and the community—most of them have no idea what nurses and NPs do when they volunteer abroad.” Read more about this wonderful organization in Healing Beyond Borders — One Nurse at a Time at NurseTogether.com. .

  • April 4-11th is National Public Health Week-Time to Take Action

    It’s time for America to have a National Nurse . Nurses need to become strong leaders and involved in every aspect of health are decisions. This week we celebrate National Public Health Week (April 4-11) and recognize that this is a perfect time to support and endorse the National Nurse campaign. From the 3/30/11 National Nurse Newsletter…. “Prevention includes being free of injury and the theme for National Public Health Week is “Safety is NO Accident”. We urge our supporters to use this timeframe Apr 4 – 11 and commemorate National Public Health Week by contacting their elected Representatives to support HR 1119.  Pass this message along to other nurses, and encourage…

  • Medical Scrubs and Their Role in Treatment

    A guest post from Josh Weiss Every nurse wants to be the best she can be, and is constantly working to improve her service to patients and the medical community at large. One aspect that is rarely touched upon is that of the medical scrubs worn on the job. Although it may sound mundane, studies have shown that the medical scrubs worn by doctors, nurses, and those in the medical community affect the way patients view them, and may even interfere with treatment. Nursing scrubs used to be restricted to white, with a few styles that were worn by the entire medical community. Today there are many manufacturers of medical…

  • National Nurse Act of 2011

    The National Nurse campaign had some good news last week when Rep. Anthony Weiner (NY-9) introduced HR 1119 the National Nurse Act of 2011 to the 112th Congress. HR1119 has already garnered sponsorship from several members of Congress. Please contact your Congressional representative to consider sponsorship an support of this important, bipartisan, cost neutral legislation. If you need a packet of information to take to your Congress person, contact the NNNO Board. A few weeks ago The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health was published. This was a collaborative effort of The Institute of Medicine and the Robert J Wood Foundation. According to this report, the future of nursing…

  • 5 Tips for Effective Writing That Any Nurse Can Learn

    A guest post from Katheryn Rivas Learning to write well is not impossible for nurses. In fact, nurses already possess a fundamental writing skill just from successfully completing their medical training: writing concisely. Nurses regularly synthesize information, such as patient symptoms and treatment effects, and condense all of this data down into short and to-the-point sentences and descriptions on patient charts. This ability is valuable in effective writing, and is a great foundation to have on which to build up more writing skills. This means that most nurses only need to learn a few more tips and skills in order to utilize their existing knowledge so that they may write…