May the luck of the Irish be with everyone tomorrow. Enjoy a safe and happy St. Patrick’s Day!
National Nurse Act Gaining Momentum
The National Nurse Act of 2011(HR 3679) now has 24 Congressional co-sponsors. Click on the little ARROW next to Special Interest: HR3679 to drop down the list. Please contact your Congressional Representative to sign on as a co-sponsor. Information and directions for doing this are on the National Nurse Website. The act also has garnered 103 individual and group endorsements as of 2/28/12. Please make an endorsement and consider a one time or monthly Donation to the cause. This act is cost neutral and non-partisan. Follow the National Nurse Campaign on FACEBOOK.
Need a Break from Finals???
Found this on Facebook. Wish we had had some stress relief like this when I was in nursing school…. How do you relieve the stress of nursing school???? Or from nursing?
Health Insurance Needs for ER Nurses
By Harriet Bascombe, freelance health issue writer What Does an Emergency Room Nurse Do? Although all nurses have important jobs, an emergency room nurse has a much higher level of responsibility than many other nurses do. Since many patients who come to the emergency room are suffering from life-threatening illnesses or injuries, it is important that an emergency room nurse can work quickly and accurately. Emergency room nurses work directly under physicians and are in charge of making important decisions, such as which patients should be treated first and which injuries are the first priority. They are also in charge of cleaning and sterilizing equipment, documenting important patient information and…
Need Stories from New Grads
Colleen Harris from Find Healthcare Careers, asked me to post a request for a new blog she works for… “Part of launching our new website is our own blog,, and one of the first series I am working on is looking for success stories about new grads right now – we’re trying to find out exactly what new grads are doing right now – there’s a ton of talk about new grads difficulty getting hired on, but nothing focus on the positive programs, or talking about what is working and what isn’t. We also want to talk about what new grads are doing to keep their skills current if…