Nursing is already an in-demand career field, and the need for nurses is projected to increase further in the coming years. The U.S. Department of Health predicts 400,000 new nurses will be needed by 2015 just to cover the void left by retirees. That number jumps to more than 700,000 nurses needed by 2020. This projected growth makes nursing one of the career paths with the most expansive job opportunities. The 2010-2020 Employment Projections from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) predicts registered nursing will have a higher number of new jobs than any other industry with a 26% growth expected. The BLS is a great place to start…
Hurricane Sandy Wreaks Havoc
Nurses and doctors are always among the heroes of any disaster, and Hurricane Sandy is certainly no exception. With 2 major hospitals in NYC being evacuated, can you even imagine the intensity of the situation?! Kudos to all who have been a part of this and helped transition patients as quickly as possible!!! I have family and close friends in the very heart of the devastation from the Jersey Shore to NYC and am so grateful that they are safe!!! My heartfelt thoughts and prayers go out to all who have endured this massive storm and face the long and expensive rebuilding. Be safe!! Beware of scams. photo from :…
The Advantages of Choosing Private Health in the UK
We are fortunate here in the UK to have access to a fantastic national health system (NHS). That said, there are often times when taking the private healthcare option is best. What Are the Differences Between Private Health and the NHS? The NHS is a public run service that is open to the majority of the UK’s population which ultimately means it comes under a lot of pressure. Not only does the NHS have to service vast volumes of people, it also has to operate under stringent financial guidelines which can often mean the facilities within NHS hospitals are not as up to date as those of a private hospital.…
The Doctor Shortage and Nurses’ Role in Filling the Gaps
By Kathryn Norcutt Doctor shortage could be intensified by the Affordable Care Act Despite how one may feel about the Affordable Care Act, it is going to change the face of American medicine forever. For better or for worse, once it is up and running in 2014 an estimated 30 million newly insured people will have access to the health care system outside of the emergency room. This is great news for anyone who works in or has been forced to visit one of the thousands of overcrowded emergency rooms across the US, however, the looming doctor shortage will loom even larger once those patients have access to specialists in…
Never Forget