• End-of-Life Decisions Empower Us

    I recently lost a dear friend way too soon. She was young at heart and vibrant, but she had suffered from multiple illnesses and the complications of chronic illness. Of course, as a nurse, she wasn’t always compliant with the care prescribed, and being retired, finances often didn’t allow for the best options. She always put everyone else first. So when she was hit with a health crisis that kept building, we knew that she knew exactly what was going on. And soon she took charge and said “no more!” It was heartbreaking to learn that she was “giving up” when in reality she was taking charge! We knew how…

  • A Guide to Nursing: The Importance of Training

    You’ve finished your degree, gained your nursing qualification and secured full time employment as a nurse. You may be thinking, ‘Great! I’ve finished studying for good!‘ but this is not the end of your educational journey. As a nurse, you face different challenging situations on a daily basis, dealing with a wide range of patients and scenarios. You are also faced with new technologies that have a huge impact upon the medical world. As such, much like practicing law, training is a key part of your job description as a professional nurse. Whether you are newly qualified, a seasoned nurse looking to rejuvenate the passion for your field, or wondering…

  • Empowering Nurses

    “Growth doesn’t occur when everything is perfect,” is but one of the empowering statements Lorie Brown, RN, MN, JD shares with readers in her collaboration, From Frustrated to Fulfilled: The Empowered Nurses’ System. Eleven nurses, many of whose names you may recognize as top nurse bloggers and authors, share their journey to empowerment and provide information and techniques for the reader to use to empower themselves and renew their love for their nursing career. Lorie Brown begins by sharing her GIFTS starting with Giving to ourselves and ending with being the Source and no longer vulnerable to the effects of others as a means to empowerment. Accompanied by The Empowered…

  • The Art of Nursing; Find Your Passion Again

    One of the things that makes a huge difference for me in my career and life is the ability to bring creativity to my job and to my personal life. When that creativity is stiffed by people who say “just do this” and only allow me to do the mundane parts of my job, I get very frustrated and quite frankly find myself burning out again. My passion is helping nurses learn how to document well while taking credit for all of the loving, quality care they provide. The Art of Nursing Nursing is a science yes, and we have tons of best practices to evidence the care and care…