I just have to rant. It sickens me to hear about nursing home residents suffering and dying in recent hurricanes. There’s the haunting photo of people sitting in wheelchairs in water over their laps in the Houston area. But a later photo showed them all OK after being evacuated. At least no one died from that debacle. Janice Connelly of Hollywood placed a memorial of balloons, flowers,candles and signs for the eight people who died at the center. Credit Scott McIntyre for The New York Times However, the 8 (so far) deaths in the Hollywood Fl rehab center are inexcusable. I hope the administrator and their owners are held responsible for…
How Does an Electrocardiogram Work?
By Dsealy – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, Link I hope this post is useful especially to student nurses and to those who need to educate patients about ECG/EKGs.😊 Doctors use a test known as an electrocardiogram, also referred to as an ECG or EKG, to measure the heart’s electrical activity and detect any anomalies in one of the most important organs of the body. An ECG makes a recording of the timing and strength of electrical impulses as they flow through the heart. Coming out in a moving strip of paper from the ECG device, the recording is then read and interpreted by the doctor to see if the…
Arrest of Utah ER Nurse is Deplorable Act!
There is a firestorm on social media about this atrocious act against a Utah ER nurse for advocating for an unconscious patient’s rights. We all have a lot to learn from this issue and to take actions to prevent the same situation from happening in our own backyard! THANK YOU Alex Hubbels! Please share. window.amznpubstudioTag = “daretodreampr-20”;
Role of Substance Abuse Nursing in the Opioid Addiction Crisis
As you know, I don’t often include infographics, but opioid addiction and substance abuse is such an urgent issue and this document captures how it affects the nursing profession… “Drug abuse is a crisis for people in the United States. According to the CDC, in 2015– alone– more than 15,000 people died from opioid overdose. Drugabuse.gov reports that 80% of those addicted to opioids first took an opioid as a prescription. Nurses play a vital role in diminishing this crisis. To learn more about how important nurses are in helping people with substance abuse, check out this educational graphic from Duquesne University.” window.amznpubstudioTag = “daretodreampr-20”;
Nursing Community Comes Together for One of Our Own
The nursing community is huge, but it’s also a very small world. I’ve been off tending to some family business, so I’m a little slow to get this posted, but it’s an important matter and I want to be sure to spread the word. We need to come together to help our own. One of our own, Keith Carlson BSN, RN, NC-BC, who you may recognize from RN FM Radio, Digital Doorway, and Nurse Keith Coaching, was severely injured in a gym accident recently. He details his ordeal brilliantly in his recent post, “When the Nurse Becomes the Patient.” This is a must read for ALL nurses. We MUST prevent…