• Nurses Month Has Begun!

    20% Off Selected Scrubs Nurses month has begun! In celebration of Nurses Month, Scrubs and Beyond is offering a 20% off sale from today through May 14. Please use the affiliate links below to get your discount and The Nursing Site earns a small commission when you purchase. Thank you! 20% off DICKIES at Scrubs & Beyond! 20% off CHEROKEE at Scrubs &  Beyond! 20% OFF CHEROKEE WORKWEAR AT SCRUBS & BEYOND! 20% OFF HEARTSOUL AT SCRUBS & BEYOND! 20% OFF HEALING HANDS AT SCRUBS & BEYOND! 20% OFF MED COUTURE AT SCRUBS & BEYOND! 20% OFF ROTHWEAR AT SCRUBS & BEYOND! 20% OFF WONDERWINK AT SCRUBS & BEYOND! If…

  • Happy New Year 2023

    Happy New Year 2023! Ring out the old. Discard the bad and unnecessary from the past. Open the door to new experiences, challenges and successes! Drink in all the new energy and recharge. There is lots to do in 2023!

  • Managing Exudate Improves Wound Care and Costs

    This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of ALLEVYN LIFE from Smith+Nephew. All opinions are 100% mine. The general population is aging, and the oldest segment (those over 80) is one of the fastest growing. This segment is also demanding more and better health care to help them remain active, healthy, and fit. This comes at a cost and the cost of health care continues to skyrocket. The challenge for nurses and other healthcare professionals is to meet patient needs and somehow manage or reduce the costs. Skin care is an increasing challenge as people age as well. The skin is the largest organ in the body…

  • How key nursing trends for 2022 are evolving

    In December 2021, Nursing News from AmericanMobile.com predicted key nursing trends for 2022. Let’s check in on a few of the key points and see how they are holding up mid 2022. 1) COVID-19 takes a toll. The country continues to reel under the pressure of the pandemic. Nurses are exhausted and burning out quickly. It’s now estimated that a third of nurses will leave the profession this year. At the time of this article travel nursing was on an exponential growth path, but when COVID funding was not renewed by Congress, testing slowed, and health care sources had to begin billing insurances and taking losses, many institutions have turned…

  • Nurses in the News – Let’s Catch Up

    Nurses in the News – Let’s play catch up here with some important information and links… Well it’s been anther couple of pretty stressful weeks. With all of the devastating mass shootings across the country, and COVID rearing it’s ugly head again in several areas. And now we’re seeing the beginnings of a Monkey Pox issue. Hopefully there will be a better response and efforts to contain the outbreak. There’s just never a dull moment for nurses! The Nurses March last month did not receive the media attention most had hoped for but if you follow them on Facebook and IG, they are continuing their efforts and you’ll find out…

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