• How To Reduce and Manage Stress During Nursing School

    Between assignments, exams, labs, clinicals, and trying to balance a social life, there’s no doubt that nursing school causes students an immense amount of stress. Learning how to manage and reduce stress in nursing school is essential. Studies show that nursing students experience a higher level of stress compared to students studying other health sciences. Whether you’re an aspiring nurse or an RN going back to school, nursing students have a lot of weight on their shoulders. Although nursing school comes with its challenges, it’s arguably one of the most rewarding careers. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, it’s projected that the employment of registered nurses is to grow…

  • How Assisted-Living Facilities Endangered Patients During the Pandemic

    A guest post by Farlyn Lucas Last year, as the COVID-19 pandemic swept across the United States and the globe, nursing homes around the nation became some of the deadliest, most dangerous places to be for elderly citizens. Eighteen months later, over 185,000 long-term care residents of nursing homes and assisted living facilities have died, accounting for 31% of all COVID deaths in the U.S. Unfortunately, no single factor or event can explain why assisted living facilities became ground zero for the coronavirus nationwide. The deadly storm that would start to unfold in early 2020 was already years in the making. For starters, analyses of annual Medicare data suggest that…

  • Making a Scene at the Doctor’s Office

    “What is it about the doctor’s office,” Chelsea groused, “They’re always so cold.” Of course she was right and for those in this particular kind of doctor’s office, it seemed particularly cruel. Jeff and Chelsea walked in, checked in and shuffled to the nearest double seat. “And, what’s up with the magazines from last century,” she said, “And, who reads this stuff?” The magazine selection consisted of People, Car and Driver, Highlights for kids (and that was a sad thought) and various financial and business publications. For six and a half years Jeff and Chelsea had been making trips to this particular doctor and a bunch of others. Mostly their…