• The Nursing Site Rebuilt

    TheNursingSite.com has now been redesigned and rebuilt. If you are trying to link to a URL and getting a broken link, please refer to the Article Index to locate the files. Articles are now stored as .pdf fies and will require a .pdf reader to open such as Adobe Reader. Some links from the articles to other articles may not yet work, but those files can be found in the Article Index as well. 

  • Happy July 4th

    Happy July 4th! Have a safe and happy holiday!!! Take a moment to give thanks and say a prayer for our military nurses. Here’s a great post from Sara Ellis that puts it all in perspective. Thanks Sara!

  • Troubles with Hosting

    If you’ve been trying to access The Nursing Site, and even this blog over the last few days, I appologize for any issues. I am setting up new hosting for The Nursing Site so that eventually it can be more efficient and I can update the site more easily. However, this is taking forever to accomplish!!! Somehow the hosting folks have now lost my nameservers info for the blog too and so we’re experiencing some intermittent troubles. Hopefully it will all resolve SOON!!! I’m soooo frustrated with it, and I’m sure you are too. Thanks for hanging in there with me. HAPPY 4th of July!!!!!

  • Meg Whitman Taking on California Nurses– Political Suicide?

    Meg Whitman has chosen to take on the California Nurses Association in her campaign to become the next governor of California. She didn’t learn that this can be a very dangerous thing for CA politicians to do? Nurses are joining teachers and other unions to donate millions and campaign for Democratic candidate Jerry Brown. Read more…. 

  • National Nurse Act Needs ANA Support- NOW

    The ANA has elected a new president to serve for the next two years. Her name is Karen Daley. I know that there are many of us who hope that the new board will be more devoted to supporting nurses and the nursing profession and less affected by the power and role as others have been in the past. To that end, I sincerely hope that the new ANA Board will look closely at the National Nurse proposal and add the ANA’s support to this very important issue. Kim McAllister at Emergiblog has written an excellent open letter to the ANA asking for their support of the National Nurse campaign.…