I’m sorry to say that the Nursing Site Network at Ning.com will close today. Ning.com has decided to charge for hosting these networks and at this time I cannot see my way to charge readers to join to cover the costs, so have decided to let it go. We have The Nursing Site Forum hosted on Google for those of you interested in communicating with fellow nurses and nursing students, and you can follow us on Facebook for more social networking options.
NY Nurse Practitioner Helps Shape Lives
Miraclebody Jeans ran a contest in April 2010 to search for women who make a difference and help shape lives. Megan Sikorski of New York was one of the four women chosen. Megan is a Nurse Practitioner in pediatric oncology and bone marrow transplant at Mt. Sinai Medical Center in NY. She is also a volunteer doula who specializes in working with under served single pregnant teens. Congratulations Megan!! You do make a difference!
FREE Web Seminar on Retirement for Nurses
A FREE web seminar on Planning for Retirement: A Guide for Nurses and Other Busy Women will be held next Thursday, July 29 at 2:0 PM EDT. According to the sponsors, the US Department of Labor, EBSA, the Women’s Institute for a Secure Retirement (WISER) and the Center for American Nurses, “Planning for a secure retirement can be challenging for women. Women are twice as likely as men to live in or near poverty in old age, and many women who were never poor during their working years, will find themselves struggling to get by in retirement. The time to start planning for these years is now.”
The Nursing Site Blog will be restored in the next few days. Please be patient Thanks Kathy
New Patient’s Bill of Rights
A new Patient’s Bill of Rights has been made possible as the health care reform act begins to be enacted beginning in September. Read this list of consumer protections and help your patients understand their new rights.